The GEOSTRATEGIC WORLD OBSERVATORY EUROPE is a knowledge-intense and information-intense firm.
Its one ambition is to aid decision-makers by making available to them accurate data in concise
form at high speed as they map out their strategies for the future. The GEOSTRATEGIC WORLD OBSERVATORY EUROPE
was created to meet such a need. It is the outcome of in-depth reflections. Its ambition is to offer solutions
for the difficulties faced by decision-makers involved in medium- and long-term planning and to assist them in
making their strategic choices.
Since 1990, BLOOMBERG NEWS has grown into one of the world's largest and most trusted information sources.
The mission of BLOOMBERG NEWS is to put accuracy above all else while reporting news first, delivering it
fastest and making Bloomberg the definitive source to readers, viewers and listeners by describing today's
vents in the context of tomorrow.
If it affects markets, BLOOMBERG NEWS will be there first, delivering in milliseconds the world's most accurate
information on virtually every stock, bond, and economic indicator on the globe.
The numerous problems of coordination at the institutional as well as public and private level evident in many
countries regardless of political distinctives , force us to conclude that there is a lack of harmonisation and
under-use of skills amongst existing human resources.
In an attempt to compensate for these deficiency and for mistakes made the Association of Documentation for
Research and Design Engineers (A.D.I.R.E./A.D.R.D.E.) was formally created in July 2001.
The fact is that, because of lack investment political will, and the lack of financial incentive, many
" High Fliers " are leaving France and Europe thus leading to a situation where these countries are being
deprived of the necessary intellectual components for operating and developing.