* Information, Data-Processing, Communications
* Information is obtained from computer data-bases distributed around the world, the data being economic, financial, social, geopolitical and strategic, or raw items. These data are downloaded from network systems, and come from sources which are localised and authenticated. The sources may be governments, institutions, public and private bodies, and others...
These data are then sorted, processed, analyzed, and summarized by a set of software programs using a framework based on the "Chedail" concept. The results obtained are checked by highly-qualified research staff.
Communications are provided by a team who run a dedicated server allowing efficient downloads.
* Studies, Research, Analyses, Consultancy, particularly for forecasting purposes
* These services are provided primarily through monthly newsletters on a number of topic areas. Foremost among these are stock and financial markets and their effects, the geo-strategic transformations affecting the world, conflicts and their consequences, analyses of current international events, and the like.
The newsletters are published on the Internet at either monthly or bi-monthly intervals. They can be supplemented in the form of detailed customized Studies and Analyses, particularly in the domain of economic forecasting. These are available on demand and on a totally confidential basis, once contract specifications have been agreed.
GEOSTRATEGIC WORLD OBSERVATORY INC. pledges to complete such work within a timespan that varies according to the scale of the topic, but is a maximum of one month.
* Training in the shape of tailor-made short courses and seminars
* These training programmes are led by top-level experts from Universities, Institutions and the Business Sector. They concentrate on the topics mentioned above. Their duration is between two and four days.The minimum qualification required for participation in a training programme is a Master's or Doctor's degree according to the subject, and/or equivalent experience.