Access to information, communications and data are a crucial factor in development and management. The Resources of the GEOSTRATEGIC WORLD OBSERVATORY INC. are so organised that they become an aid to anticipate future situations, whether economic, social, political or military. In this way decision-makers can choose the most appropriate and adequate measures to deal with events as they occur in real time.
The entire structure of these resources is the outcome of in-depth reflection on the difficulties facing decision-makers in medium- and long-term planning and strategies. As a backcloth it has the context of globalisation of markets and free trade. It therefore pays careful attention to the cultural diversity of different continents. It is absolutely essential to take into account the mindsets and thought processes of different societies in order to have precise, detailed and concise information on all domains, most particularly on cutting-edge research.
Access to such refined information should give decision-makers what they need in order to make accurate medium and long term Economic Forecasts and the right strategic choices. Concretely, this information now exists in databases. These are organised according to economic, social and political issues affecting specific geographical zones, and can be summed up in the following way:
* Geographical areas (17 areas), including all countries
* Scientific domains (48 domains)
* Main themes (30 themes)
* Archived themes on databases (16 themes archived, comprising 48 "sub-themes")
* Analysis of current international events (from 1994 to date, daily, over 10 years)
* Financial and stock-market analysis (over 23 years, including analysis of "Wall Street")
* Sectorial analysis (50 sectors of activities)
* Geostrategic transformations (over 17 years)
* Barometer of International Discourse (over 8 years)
* Particular records such as "exploitation of children", "mad cow diseas", "foot and mouth", "references to major events", etc.
To list but a few.
The methodology is based principally upon :
* the following up of changes, field by field, zone by zone, sector by sector, and so forth ('insider' descriptions from the viewpoint of geographical space as well of time and chronology of events)
* analysis and synthesis of these changes taking into account a range of methods (historical, deductive, etc.)
* highlighting "factors" (such as mental and behavioural features) or even "laws/principles" (for example in financial and stock market analyses ! )
* the use of computer software and the mathematical theories underlying it
* Euclidean geometry
* mirror-imaging usual conclusions
* firming up examples (or counter-examples) of validation (or invalidation) of causal methods
Thus, the behaviour observed in international financial markets indicates and gives advance warning of which socio-political and geo-strategic issues will soon be in the limelight (e.g., a rebound or fall in oil prices, the weakness of the Euro and the rise of the US dollar, etc).
In conclusion, the tools proposed are built on existing databases that store the information described above. In particular they contain financial forecasts which are of the highest standard, and which constitute THE quasi-essential subject of our concerns, because it is from them, and specifically from Finance that everything flows, whether it is a case of "clean money" or "laundered money".
Thanks to the "Chedail" concept used for Economic Forecasts, it is possible to gain a better understanding of the reasons for events and so anticipate them.
This is not 'futurology', it is a question of rational forecasting.
Decision-makers have to hand a computer tool for Economic Forecasting. In this way, the computer becomes a true partner rather than merely an interpreter in human decision-making. Thanks to the wealth of knowledge it offers, with all its variety and interconnections, decision-makers can attain manifold multiplication of their capacities.